Become a Referee

Refereeing is a fun, exciting, non-contact way to be involved with Rugby League and keep fit at the same time whilst being paid.

To become a Referee you must attend a Foundation 1 Referees Course, that will teach you the theory & practical skills required.

The National Officiating Accreditation Scheme (NOAS) ensures that all referees have consistent and thorough training.

The minimum age to referee is 13 years.

How to register for the Foundation 1 Course:

  • Contact us at
  • Logon to
  • Select Courses / Referee
  • Select NSW / Sydney
  • Select Referee 6-12 years New & Beginning Referees
  • Enrol to do Module then enrol into Course

If you are a registered player, coach, FAO or League Safe, select Existing Participant – Login  otherwise select  New Participant – Sign Up.  Enter your personal details and pay via credit card and attend the Course.